![About the project image]()
APAC is planning to seize the opportunity of selling fresh local chambo in their existing outlet shops and expand sales volume and value for fresh fish. The medium term plan is to raise their sales volume by 100MTs in the next five years, starting with a target of 40 MT by end of the first year of implementation. The additional fish volume for the first and subsequent years will be apportioned equally amongst the four outlet shops where APAC already has cold chain facilities. Since this quantity of fresh chambo fish will have to be sourced from small scale aquaculture producers, the producers need to be organized in a way that will be amenable to easy off-taking by APAC. However, APAC will have to invest in a refrigerated van to facilitate proper handling of the fresh fish during off-taking and distribution amongst these outlet shops.
Secondly, APAC want to leverage on the existing cake by-product from the cooking oil processing operation by its sister company and invest in floating fish feed manufacturing. This would provide APAC with an opportunity to trigger increased productivity and output of fish by local producers via improved access to and utilization of quality affordable fish feed. This requires investment in a feed processing equipment with extrusion capability. It is envisaged that this investment will help to deepen the commercialization drive for the sector.